Why Your Marketing Plan Should Include Corporate Social Responsibility Sponsorships
Sponsorships and Corporate Social Responsibility, The Best Of Both Worlds

Sponsorships are the financial or in-kind support of activities. Businesses often sponsor events, social responsibility, groups, or charity causes to reach specific business goals and increase their competitive advantage.
Though sponsorship is a form of marketing, it is different from advertising, which attempts to persuade customers to make purchases by sharing specific messages about a product or company.
Sponsorships, on the other hand, don’t directly promote your company or products. Instead, your company pays to support a specific event that your customers care about. Your business is then associated with the event by customers, attendees, and the media.
How Event Sponsorships Work
Most large, community events use sponsorship support to offer more exciting programs and to help defray costs.
Promotional opportunities at trade shows, charity events, or business functions include sponsorships of press rooms, an international lounge, a speaker or VIP room, an awards reception, educational programs, banners, badge holders, audiovisual equipment, display computers, shuttle buses, tote bags, or other branded swag.
Local causes such as sports teams or charity drives offer more limited places for your branding and products, but they also allow you to reach a specific local audience. For example, fewer people will see your logo on the backs of local Little League uniforms than at a national trade show. However, if your customers are all local and have kids on the Little League team, that’s the best place to be seen by your ideal audience.
Marketing Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility Sponsorship
In all its forms, sponsorships allow you to reach targeted niche markets without the expense and uncertainty associated with traditional advertising. Strategic sponsorships can help your business meet multiple marketing goals at once.
Social Responsibility by OnMyWay Is The ONLY Platform That Enables Any Organization The Ability To Start a “Social Responsibility Campaign” With Just One Click…
Any Company, School, Organization, City, Town or Small Business… Any Size, Anywhere, Can Start a Social Responsibility Campaign Immediately.
In The Last 14 Months Alone, We Have Saved 151 Lives and Prevented Over 23,050 Car Crashes, So Our Non-Profit Company Can Actually Show Tangible Results and Impact Your Community In a Way Never Thought Possible.
Every Campaign Includes Verified Mobile User In App Advertising / Sponsorship, Minimum Of 20,000 Radio Ads Per Month, PR, Geo-Targeted Influencers and Monthly Demographic Reach Reporting On Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Age. Making Sure We Touch All People Across All Demographics.
Every Campaign Also Includes English and Spanish Radio Ads and Monthly Press Releases Written and Distributed In English and Spanish. This Is To Further Our Commitment To Leave No Man, Woman Or Child Behind In Our Mission To Save Lives and Prevent Car Crashes.
Our Focus Is On Diversity and Inclusion While Saving Lives and Preventing Car Crashes!
We Have A Proven Solution And With The Help Of Organizations Like Yours, We Can Eradicate The Texting and Driving Problem and Keep Our Families Safe!
Social Responsibility Is No Longer Optional… It’s Expected By 60%+ Of Consumers, 80%+ Of Employees and Over 78% Of Investors.
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The OnMyWay Texting And Driving Foundation – A 501(c)(3) organization