Saving Lives Through Mobile Tech Innovation
Trusted And ❤ By Millions Of OnMyWay Mobile App Users
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Our Families, Friends and Communities Can't Wait Another Minute
The OnMyWay Texting And Driving Foundation - A 501(c)(3) Organization
The #1 cause of death among young and adults ages 16-27 is Cars crashes, with the majority related to Distracted driving. OnMyWay Drives mission is to reverse this epidemic through positive rewards and awareness. Users get rewarded for every mile they do not text and drive and can refer their friends to get rewarded for them as well.
We Have Saved 0+ Lives and Prevented Over 0+ Car Crashes, So Our Non-Profit Company Can Actully Show Tangible Results and Impact Your Community in a War Never Thought Possible.
Donations to the Foundation will support promoting safe driving and working directly with Mobile Tech Solutions and many others to end the “Distracted Driving” epidemic.
The Foundation will use funds in Advertising and Marketing, as well as Operations. OurOnMyWay Texting and Driving Campaigns include English and Spanish Radio Ads, Press Releases, Geo-Targeted Influencer Campaigns, Contests, Events, Rewards and Strategic Educational Partnerships. This is all to further our commitment to leave no Man, Woman or Child behind.
The OnMyWay Texting and Driving Foundation is One of the most reliable and trustworthy charities in the Nation. We have set out to reverse this epidemic of distracted driving and we are doing just that, as the numbers show, this is due to our commitment to transparency and low overhead.
We Have Saved 0+ Lives and Prevented Over 0+ Car Crashes.
Rewards, not punishment, create positive outcomes and that’s why OnMyWay works, because it is built with human behavior in mind.”
Every big idea start with a small step forward.
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Our Families, Friends and Communities Can't Wait Another Minute
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